3 Practical Tips to Learn How To Sign Without Adding More to Your Day

  1. […] to learn some ASL sign language to prepare for cochlear implants? Read my blog post about how to learn ASL without adding more to your […]

  2. […] Our two kids with cochlear implants have different levels of hearing. One of them uses just spoken language, and the other uses a combination of spoken language and ASL signs. However, at gatherings we have found it helpful to learn a few key signs beforehand, such as “more”, “yes”, “no”, “please”, “all done”, “go”. In this way your child with cochlear implant can communicate their needs with you even if the gathering is loud or they are on the opposite side of the room from you. This will decrease their frustration level during the gathering. For tips on learning ASL without adding more stuff to your day, read my blog post here. […]

  3. […] Want to learn ASL but feel too overwhelemed? Here are 3 Practical Tips to Learn ASL Without Adding More to Your Day […]

  4. […] Think you don’t have time to learn ASL, or it seems overwhelming? I wrote a whole blog post to help you learn how to sign without adding more to your day. […]