Teach Your Kids to Sign Without OVerwhelm!


Being a parent is a challenging job, but even more so when you have a child with hearing loss. Depending on the degree of hearing loss that your child has, it might be important for you and your family to learn ASL. The good news is that you can learn ASL from your home, rather […]

August 23, 2023

a blog graphic that features a bunch of squares with people in an online class as they learn ASL from home

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Being a parent is a challenging job, but even more so when you have a child with hearing loss. Depending on the degree of hearing loss that your child has, it might be important for you and your family to learn ASL. The good news is that you can learn ASL from your home, rather […]

August 23, 2023

a blog graphic that features a bunch of squares with people in an online class as they learn ASL from home

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Parents of children with hearing loss often find themselves grappling with numerous questions on how to support their child in being comfortable in their environment. One aspect that is often overlooked is the use of sensory play, particularly taste sensory activities. Read more about easy sensory activities for babies 6-12months. Taste sensory activities play an […]

August 23, 2023

a blog graphic with a baby on the cover smiliing in a high chair holding a spoon

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Parents of children with hearing loss often find themselves grappling with numerous questions on how to support their child in being comfortable in their environment. One aspect that is often overlooked is the use of sensory play, particularly taste sensory activities. Read more about easy sensory activities for babies 6-12months. Taste sensory activities play an […]

August 23, 2023

a blog graphic with a baby on the cover smiliing in a high chair holding a spoon

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If you’re a parent of a child with hearing loss, you’re likely faced with many challenges. You want to give your child the best possible chance at success and happiness. Depending on the type of hearing loss your child has, your Audiologist might recommend cochlear implants. It’s understandable to have questions about if cochlear implants […]

August 19, 2023

a blog graphic that features a dad and his little girl who wears cochlear implants

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If you’re a parent of a child with hearing loss, you’re likely faced with many challenges. You want to give your child the best possible chance at success and happiness. Depending on the type of hearing loss your child has, your Audiologist might recommend cochlear implants. It’s understandable to have questions about if cochlear implants […]

August 19, 2023

a blog graphic that features a dad and his little girl who wears cochlear implants

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As a parent of a child with hearing loss, you know how important it is to provide your child with the tools they need to communicate effectively. One such tool is sign language. Teaching sign language for kids helps break down communication barriers and decreases frusterations. Sign language is not only important for deaf children, […]

August 17, 2023

a blog graphic that features a mom signing with her little girl

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As a parent of a child with hearing loss, you know how important it is to provide your child with the tools they need to communicate effectively. One such tool is sign language. Teaching sign language for kids helps break down communication barriers and decreases frusterations. Sign language is not only important for deaf children, […]

August 17, 2023

a blog graphic that features a mom signing with her little girl

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As a parent of a baby or toddler with special needs, it’s crucial to create a sensory-rich environment that fosters your child’s learning and development. One key aspect of such an environment is incorporating various types of sensory activities, including smell sensory activities. Looking for more sensory activities for babies? Read easy sensory activities for […]

August 16, 2023

a blog graphic that features three pictures of kids doing smell sensory activities

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As a parent of a baby or toddler with special needs, it’s crucial to create a sensory-rich environment that fosters your child’s learning and development. One key aspect of such an environment is incorporating various types of sensory activities, including smell sensory activities. Looking for more sensory activities for babies? Read easy sensory activities for […]

August 16, 2023

a blog graphic that features three pictures of kids doing smell sensory activities

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As a parent of a child with hearing loss, it can be challenging to find time to spend with your significant other. You’re expected to juggle countless appointments, therapies, and daily routines. The busy days leave little time for you and your spouse to reconnect. It’s important to find some time in the evenings to […]

August 15, 2023

a blog graphic that features a bathtub with bubbles in it and candles around it

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As a parent of a child with hearing loss, it can be challenging to find time to spend with your significant other. You’re expected to juggle countless appointments, therapies, and daily routines. The busy days leave little time for you and your spouse to reconnect. It’s important to find some time in the evenings to […]

August 15, 2023

a blog graphic that features a bathtub with bubbles in it and candles around it

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As a parent, it can be hard to find time to spend with your significant other. With young children around, it can be nearly impossible to plan a date night outside of the home. That’s where at home game night ideas come in! This is just one of the many creative ideas for at home […]

August 11, 2023

a blog graphic that features a couple that is sitting on the couch and playing video games together for at home game night ideas

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As a parent, it can be hard to find time to spend with your significant other. With young children around, it can be nearly impossible to plan a date night outside of the home. That’s where at home game night ideas come in! This is just one of the many creative ideas for at home […]

August 11, 2023

a blog graphic that features a couple that is sitting on the couch and playing video games together for at home game night ideas

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Raising a toddler is no easy feat, and it can be even more challenging when your child has hearing loss. With a deaf/ hard of hearing child, communication can be difficult. As a parent, one of the most important things you can do is to learn some basics signs for toddlers to help your child […]

August 11, 2023

a blog graphic that features two toddler girls learning how to use sign lanuage

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Raising a toddler is no easy feat, and it can be even more challenging when your child has hearing loss. With a deaf/ hard of hearing child, communication can be difficult. As a parent, one of the most important things you can do is to learn some basics signs for toddlers to help your child […]

August 11, 2023

a blog graphic that features two toddler girls learning how to use sign lanuage

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As a parent of a baby with hearing loss, you may worry about how you can engage your little one who is deaf/ hard of hearing. Singing interactive songs for babies that use both singing and hand motions together is a fun way to engage your baby in play! For even more activities that engage […]

August 10, 2023

a baby sits on the floor with a microphone in his hand for interactive baby songs

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As a parent of a baby with hearing loss, you may worry about how you can engage your little one who is deaf/ hard of hearing. Singing interactive songs for babies that use both singing and hand motions together is a fun way to engage your baby in play! For even more activities that engage […]

August 10, 2023

a baby sits on the floor with a microphone in his hand for interactive baby songs

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As parents, it can be tough to find the time and money to go out on date night with your partner. But, there are plenty of ways to enjoy a romantic night without even stepping out of the house! One of the easiest and cheapest ways to have some fun together is to create an […]

August 9, 2023

a blog graphic with a man and woman enjoying an at home movie night

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As parents, it can be tough to find the time and money to go out on date night with your partner. But, there are plenty of ways to enjoy a romantic night without even stepping out of the house! One of the easiest and cheapest ways to have some fun together is to create an […]

August 9, 2023

a blog graphic with a man and woman enjoying an at home movie night

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