Teach Your Kids to Sign Without OVerwhelm!


Hey friend,

I’m a wife and a mom of two kids who are Deaf.

When I learned that my new baby was born with hearing loss, I was in shock and devastated at the diagnosis.

The big question that loomed over my head constantly was, “ How is my child going to learn language and talk to us?”

I sought the advice of way too many people and constantly felt like each person was telling me to make a different decision for communicating with my child.

 I tried to implement too many things at one time and quickly got overwhelmed.

My child refused to practice our language goals most days of the week.

And the worst part is that I felt like I was failing my deaf child by not teaching him enough language skills.

I finally realized that if I was going to find ease and balance in our hearing loss journey, I needed to implement the right language strategies to support my deaf child’s communication with me and the rest of my family.

I simplified the process of language learning in our home, and I found that my child and I actually had a lot of fun learning and practicing language every day!

I was so proud of both of us as my child learned and improved on his language skills daily.

This gave me the confidence to parent a deaf child with ease. Which made the whole family less stressed!

If you’re ready to help your child learn language in less time and gain the confidence that you can teach language skills to your child, then let’s work together!

Together we are going to level up your child’s language learning!


Hear what other parents have to say

I get it and I love it!

- verticalambassador -

As a mother who has a child that has been wearing bilateral hearing aids since he was 2 years old ... I get the struggles and concerns many people can have when raising their kids in a high tech society. It's important to be patient as they grow into adults. Thank you for sharing "rasing deaf kids" with the world! 

So helpful!

- ANNA -

I just listened to episode 18 on tips for fitting in speech therapy during the day and found it so helpful! Though I don’t have children with hearing loss, I have two children with stuttering issues so have definitely found it challenging to fit in the speech therapy home practice sessions during the week. Thank you for these incredibly helpful tips and strategies! 

Invaluable tips and guidance!

- Grace -

I absolutely love that this show exists. Alaine and her guests share so much wisdom and insightful tips for an often overlooked/not-talked-about community of families. Such a comfort and blessing!

things i like to do

I love to read, write, hike, drink coffee in coffee shops, and explore new cities and countries

favorite vacation spot

My favorite vacation spot is the NC mountains or Europe.

my og job before kids

I taught high school Spanish in North Carolina

Get To Know Me:

weird fact

I can wiggle my ears lol

If you want to learn more about my story, listen to Episode 1 and Episode 2

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Binge-listen to hours of free training about how to level- up your child’s language and communication skills

Harness Your Super Power as a Mom to Balance Work and Family Without the Stress and Burnout

Confused About What Language StrategyTo Choose For Your Deaf Child? Learn About Different Language Modalities   


Identify Caregiver Burnout and Learn Easy Strategies to Add Self Care Into Your Week


How to Become a Home MAKER and Create A Supportive Home Foundation that Works for Your Family



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I've got you when it comes to:

Whether at school in an IEP meeting or at home, I've got you covered! Learn how to best advocate for your child in all different situations.

Learn strategies to manage your daily schedule so that you have more time to practice those language skills with your child!

Help your child learn language in less time with weekly tips to foster language development in your kids with hearing loss.







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Join the Raising Deaf Kids Facebook community!  In the community we share tips to help our kids learn language faster and lean on each other for encouragement and support.